SansOx OxTube is a modular solution that can be retrofitted, easily removed, cleaned and installed in many stages of the water treatment process.
OxTube can be integrated into any water flow system of fresh water processing and waste water treatment, where the OxTube provides systems with the comprehensive oxygenation and aeration. Studies and pilot cases have shown that the OxTube oxygenates water more rapidly and energy efficient when compared with existing systems.
OxTube can be applied with various treatment plants and natural water flows. Investment costs are relatively low.
Product Highlights
Fastest way to dissolve gas into liquid
High dissolving of gas into liquid
Effective mixing
Efficient PH control
Can be installed into existing pipeline
Easy to install
Can aerate the liquid even without external energy
Modular design – can be built according to the customer requirements
Small foot print area needed
Customer benefits
Fast reaction time
Small foot print needed. Can be installed vertically as well.
Can aerate the water even without eternal energy
PH control fast and efficient way